How to Make an R&B Beat in Logic Pro X
How to Make an R&B Beat in Logic Pro X – The Beginning
Today I’m going to show you a quick overview on how to make an R&B beat in Logic Pro X. The instrumental I’m creating is a track called The Beginning and you can get your copy right here. Anyway, the tutorial is an overview of the steps I take when creating R&B style instrumentals using my favourite tool Logic Pro X. I demonstrate how to incorporate a short vocal sample using the Logic Pro EXS24 sampler. I’ll also show you also how to make use of the Logic arpeggiator plug-in when creating your trap style high hats at different resolutions.
Beat Making Techniques
The track itself was inspired by some of my students who were very keen to learn the basics of R&B production. So for my lesson I decided to come up with the skeleton of this track to demonstrate the general procedures when working in this genre. We were all using Logic Pro X as our digital audio workstation but needed to incorporate additional samples as well as 808 sounds which we imported into the program. As I flashed out the idea in my demo the guys felt that I should take it that bit further and complete it as a full on production, which I’m happy to say I did and I am indeed delighted with the final outcome.
Transferrable Beat Making Skills
The tips and tricks I demonstrate in this video on how to create an R&B beat are not only reserved to those of you working in Logic Pro X but can be applied to any other DAW such as FL Studio, Cubase, ProTools, Reason, and Ableton. It’s just a matter of modifying the approach but keeping the same principle.
Logic Pro X and the Izotope Plug-ins
If you want to find out more about how to make an R&B beat, Rap or Trap instrumental or you simply want to know more about my beat making techniques used when working on Logic Pro X, visit my site for more in-depth tutorials. I’m also a very big fan of the Izotope plug-in suite and will show you how to incorporate them in your beat making process and how I make good use of these tools also.
Music Tech Training Center
Remember to check out my YouTube channels. Like and subscribe and leave comments as I’m always delighted to hear from you. You can also take advantage of my special offers and free beats and instrumentals right here. Remember to check back each week as I’ll be updating the store with new, fresh and exciting instrumentals just right for your songwriting project or your video production. Peace.